Addressing your security requirements... 

Organizations face enormous challenges in today's information-centric world. Protection of that information is paramount to the success or failure of an organization. In the case of CMMC, compliancy can lead to winning more federal contracts and grants. Failure to win contracts and grants can hinder growth and viability. That can have a profound effect on the bottom line. However, most organizations find it difficult to commit resources and time to reach compliance with laws and regulations without some form of assistance.  Engaging the Hannibal Group addresses the key element of these challenges, security risk management.

Protect your business reputation

Reduce organizational risk

Align security standards and regulatory requirements to your organization

Ensure compliance readiness.

We specialize in providing compliance readiness support to various organizations in the DoD supply Chain, including vendors and academia. We provide independent third party security assessments to assist organizations to prepare for audits.


We provide assessments with clear direction.  We help organization's put an end to regulatory perplexity, respond to enterprise threats, pinpoint operational inefficiencies, and focus on the mission of their business.

Contact the Hannibal Group for more information about our security risk management solutions.

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